Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Think the Geckos Really Like Me

I think the geckos really like me.  I had my second one decide to jump off the ceiling onto my arm this last weekend.  He/She was super cute too.  This one was only about 2 inches long; a baby.  Luckily, I am starting to be able to control my outbursts at things that surprise/scare me and I didn’t scream, shout, squeak, or grunt when I felt the sting of its fall.  I think he was more surprised than me when his leap to the floor took two jumps instead of one.  The little guy’s ok though.  He scampered off as soon as he hit the ground.  Good luck little guy…there are a lot of things out there probably thinking you’re a good snack; I’m rooting for you.

I thought I was going to be playing volleyball this last weekend.  I was walking through the market on Thursday when I was asked if I would play volleyball on someones team on Saturday and Sunday.  Sounded like fun.  I told them that I would definitely play and asked them what time I should meet them and where.  This is where things got a little tricky.  See, we were speaking in Thai-glish.  I asked in Thai “gee moung ka” ‘What time’, and I would get a shrug “dton yen”.  OK, for those of you who don’t know, dton yen lasts from 4-6pm.  This is a very unspecific time.  Moving on.  “ len volleybon yuu tii nai” ‘Where are we going to play volleyball?’ ‘think dtalot ru bao wit’ “I think the market or bao wit (the school)’.  Hmm, ok.  So, I am going to be playing volleyball on Saturday and Sunday, and I am going to start playing sometime between 4 and 6pm and I will be playing at the school or somewhere near the market.  Awesome…yes, of course I will play volleyball.

On Friday, my balot asks me if I am aware of what is going on this weekend.  Me, being proud that I actually do know, tells him, of course, volleyball is going to be played in the afternoon, dton yen.  He gives me a funny look.  Yes, volleyball.  But, it is starting at noon and the nayok will open it at 11am.  Ok…things change, so instead I should be there at 11.  And, I figure, since the nayok is doing an opening, we must be having sports days this weekend, so there will be other sports to watch too.  Fun.

Saturday.  After watching a couple episodes of Buffy, I get up, lace up my newly washed tennis shoes, throw on some comfy exercise pants, and put on my bright yellow polo shirt.  Why the yellow polo shirt?  Well, on the last Sports Day, the Tessaban was yellow…I figured I would show everyone I was on top of things because I came prepared….Oops, I was wrong.  I biked around for the better part of an hour looking for the opening ceremonies and never found it.  Luckily, I was able to find the beginnings of the games, and I was ready to play…Oops (again), I was wrong.  I’m not playing volleyball…and I am definitely in the wrong shirt.  It was a men’s volleyball tournament.  I, well, I am not a man, any way that you put it, I would not be invited to play.  Maybe, in their broken English, I was not being asked to play volleyball, but instead, to watch them play volleyball.  Oh, well, it would be fun to watch…but wait, here I am in neon yellow, and the entire Tessaban is wearing purple.  2 strike-outs in one day.  Oops.  I could tell that a few of them understood what I had tried to do; unsuccessfully wear the ‘cool’ color of the day.  Guess playing volleyball is out. Sad…

I watched volleyball most of Saturday and decided to skip out of the Sunday games.  I almost wish I had gone because I think it was the finals of the tournament, but I was able to enjoy a nice low-key day which was just what I needed…and, I found out that my moo-stick lady has a stand by the 7-11 at noon every day, so, that means I can have deliciousness at noon and for dinner…yum.  I feel bad about going to this place instead of my other moo-stick place because they are super nice, but the meat is soo good…and I think she made a deal with the store across the street and I think she gets to keep her meat cold…bonus!

Being from Seattle, when you walk outside a good day is when you can see your shadow walking next to you down the street.  Sun beams down from the sky causing you to squint your eyes, wishing you had bought those sun glasses that you didn’t think you needed because you live in Seattle.  A cool breeze will cut through the warmth of the sun, and you don’t see a single cloud in the sky.

Today, I biked into work after taking a short ride through 5 of my communities.  Getting off my bike, I waved at the preschool teacher walking around with the 3-4 year olds.  They had decided to take a pit-stop at the side of a building at my Tessaban because the boys couldn’t seem to hold “it” any longer and needed to relieve themselves.  I started talking to the teacher, Kay, because I have been wanting to sit in on a morning and see what she does on a regular basis at the preschool.  So, I wanted to set up a time for when I get back from a 2 week Peace Corps training in another province.  When I walked up to her, red-faced from my bike ride, Kay lifted her hands in the air, smiled, and stated ‘Isn’t it a beautiful day.’  Six months ago, I would have laughed at this declaration.  No, it is not a beautiful day…but, today, after six months in a steaming hot country…yes, it is gorgeous out. 

Clouds drape the sky in shades of white and gray.  The Thai flag waves to the passing cars and I feel the breeze tickling my face.  Right now, right this very second, the weather is perfect.  Now, it could rain later or the sun may break through the blanket of clouds and make our cool 89 degrees turn into a hundred, but yes, Kay is right…the weather is beautiful…It almost feels like Seattle.

I leave tomorrow afternoon to go to a National Park and then off to something called Reconnect for about 2 weeks.  I am going to Khao Yai National Park with about 10 people.  We are doing a day and a half tour of the park to see waterfalls, monkeys, birds, elephants, and to go swimming in lakes and pools below the falls.  We are going to watch bats fly out of a cave, and go hiking on the trails.  I am super excited to be getting out and exploring a new part of Thailand.  After we leave the park, I have Reconnect.  All 63 (3 people have left now) Group 123 volunteers are coming together after 3 months at site, 6 months in Thailand, for additional training; language training as well as training for our jobs.  Intermixed in that, we are going to be celebrating the 4th of July with a fun dinner, and possibly visiting our old host families from training.  When reconnect is finished, I might be headed off to a friend’s site in central Thailand for a couple of days and then heading home.  Busy couple of weeks ahead…a set schedule – something I haven’t had in a while.

1 comment:

  1. A really great account of your weekend, Megan. You made me laugh :)
