Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have been in Thailand for less than 48 hours still and I feel like I have been here for a week or two.  We are on the go all the time and there is so much to do and see that it is just a sensory overload.  But, the country is beautiful and the people are amazing.  But, before we get too far into it, let me show you the situation at the JFK airport just a few short days ago:
We completely took over the baggage claim in the airport from about 730 am until probably 2-3pm.  Luckily, their baggage claim is all broken up, into sections so we weren't blocking off the entire airport.  There were card games going on, and one of my fellow PCer's pulled out his guitar and played us some music.  It was definitely an experience (one I hope to not repeat too often).

Anyways, back on track...our first day of training was great.  Our trainers are almost all from Thailand and it is said that we have the best language training in Peace Corps so I am hoping that is going to help me since I am horribly inept at languages.   The trainers are hilarious, so I know that we will be having some fun for the next 10 weeks.  For the most part, we have only done very basic training; expectations, general health, rabies shot, some paper work, a little language, training!!! I will tell you now, I love the fact that I bought a gel cushion for my bike, but wow, we took a 10K bike ride today, and I can definitely still feel it.  We received our bikes yesterday.  The picture below shows a picture of the inside of the bus we took to bike training.  Notice the speakers on the wall.  I have discovered that karaoke is VERY popular in Thailand; even on buses.

And, this is the outside of the bus...

Driving is definitely very different here than in the US.  You drive (or ride a bike) on the left side of the road and there are many more motorcycles weaving through traffic.  First tip I learned: bigger vehicles have the right of way.
And, that is my new bike.  Yes, I did pay 100 baht (a little over $3) for a basket.  Of course you can see the fabulous rain guards and my mandatory (and much needed) helmet.  Isn't it pretty?  Today, I successfully removed both tires and learned to change a flat (I am hoping, and crossing my fingers that I never need to use that new skill).

So, as I said, today we took a bike ride.  And, I of course, have come back to the hotel with multiple bruises on my arm and leg.  Not because I fell mind you, but apparently, I can take sharper corners than I thought, and I ran my left arm and leg into some wood crates..Ouch, (or in Thai: Oy!)  But, other than that magnificent incident, I think I did pretty well.  I think it was about a chilling 83 degrees during our bike ride.  It was definitely nice with a small breeze and we were able to see more of the village.  Tomorrow, we are going on a longer bike ride.  We will see if my "saddle" will be able to make it.

Today I purchased my cell phone.  My Verizon Wireless peeps would shake there head at me.  I purchased the cheapest phone, with the least perks. It cost about $29US.  My phone is a prepaid phone, so that will take some getting used to.  But, its small and it texts and makes phone calls...that is what counts.

On Saturday, we move in with our homestay family.  I am excited, but very nervous about this.  I don't know anything about them, or the ages of the individuals living there.  It will be interesting to see the what food they prepare, what they do on an every day basis, and what is expected of me.  I guess I will find out soon.

Tomorrow....learning to use squat toilets, meeting the royal governor, my first official language class, and a bike ride.  Then it is time to re-arrange my bags once again, so one of them can be put in storage for 10 weeks.  Eek!


  1. I wouldn't laugh about the phone you chose.... I went back to my Alias... nothing fancy.

    Enjoy your chilling 80ish weather. It snowed Tuesday night, heavy, a few inches... but sadly weather warmed up and it rained, the snow was melted by Noon Wednesday.

    Hope your Bum gets use to the bike riding fast!!!

    Lots of love from Navid and I!

  2. Ah, say Hi to Navid for me.

    This phone I have is no joke. If you walked into Toys R Us and picked out a toy phone from there, by phone would seem WAY more fake than it. But, I am the one who chose it, and I'm trying to save some Baht for later usage on other fun things.

    I heard about the weather over there, sorry the snow melted so fast. Our 80-87 degree weather is our winter it will soon be getting much hotter. There are people here that I have seen in long sleeves and sweatshirts; a far cry from what people would be wearing in Seattle.

  3. Amazing! Less than a week and you're already sporting battle scars. :)

    Good luck with tomorrow.
